As the weather warms up, we are preparing to open our swimming pools & looking forward to heading to the beach very soon. May is National Water Safety Month, and the the perfect time to ensure you and your family are prepared to spend a fun, safe day by the water.
Contact your town Rec Department, the Cape Cod YMCA or Sandwich Community School to find out about appropriate swimming lessons for yourself or your child.
Swimming is the most popular summer activity. While the best thing you can do to help your family
stay safe is to enroll in age-appropriate swim lessons, it is also important to follow these water safety tips whenever you are in, on or around water:

- Swim in designated areas supervised by lifeguards.
- Always swim with a buddy
- Never leave a young child unattended near water
- Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone.
- Establish water safety rules for your family and enforce them without fail.
- If you go boating, wear a life jacket! Most boating fatalities occur from drowning.
- Avoid alcohol use. Alcohol impairs judgment, balance and coordination; affects swimming and diving skills; and reduces the body’s ability to stay warm.
Now is the time to sign up for a swimming course and review water safety tips before summer arrives.
** Source American Red Cross & Pool Safely (CPSC)