Is your roof covered with black streaks and dark stains? A stained roof is not only an eyesore, but the shingles are also being damaged, diminishing the life of your roof. On Cape Cod, Gloeocapsa Magma, more commonly known as roof algae, typically causes these stains. Mold, moss, and mildew will also discolor and damage your roof.
Roof algae, and other stain causing organisms thrive on the north side of the roof, where the most shade is present, and moisture tends to accumulate. The algae and mold will continue to grow if the roof is not cleaned and treated, and ultimately it will reduce the life of your roof. The problem is intensified because algae feeds on the limestone, and dead organic matter which is used in the manufacturing process of shingles. Once the problem starts it will usually spread pretty quickly. If the roof is not treated, these stains will cause shingles to loosen, and roof leaks can develop. The dark stained roof will also become less reflective, and start absorbing and retaining heat, resulting in higher energy bills for cooling expenses.
Algae, mold and other stain causing organisms must be removed from roof shingles to extend the life of your roof, as well as improve your home’s curb appeal. Traditional roof cleaning methods used high pressure washing, and hazardous chemicals that could damage the structure of your roof, siding or gutters, as well as landscaping. A professional roof cleaning service can safely remove roof stains with no-pressure roof washing combined with environmentally safe, biodegradable cleaners and preventive treatment. It is best to avoid the use of power washers because asphalt shingles are not designed to withstand high pressure, and permanent damage may result. Once the initial removal of roof algae is complete, maintenance to prevent the stains from returning should be performed every two years thereafter. By keeping your roof clean, you will be able to prolong the life of your roof, and avoid the expense of replacing the roof earlier than necessary.