Protect your family or tenants from lead poisoning during renovation work.

Cape Cod Lead Paint Inspections
People who are not doing the work should not be in the house. Children and pregnant or nursing women especially, should not go in the work area until after it has been properly cleaned. Keep pets away from the work area, too.
If you hire other people to do renovation work, they should understand that this work can cause lead poisoning. They should agree to protect your family or tenants from lead poisoning by following the safe work practices and cleaning properly after the work is done.
Renovating Your Cape Cod Home Safely
Renovation is work done to repair, improve, remodel, or do other work on the home. This work is not done to achieve compliance with the Lead Law.
Deleading is work done to remove or cover surfaces or other material known, suspected, or assumed to contain dangerous levels of lead. The purpose of this deleading work, in whole or in part, is done to achieve compliance with the Lead Law.
Lead is most hazardous in dust form. You should be concerned about lead paint hazards if you will be disturbing lead painted surfaces. Work that disturbs lead paint includes removing paint, sanding, patching, scraping, or tearing down walls. It also includes removing or replacing windows, baseboards, doors, plumbing fixtures, heating and ventilation ducts, or electrical systems.
Assume that all paint is lead paint unless you know that it does not contain lead. Contact a licensed lead paint inspector or CLPPP for more information.
Source: Massachusetts Department of Public Health
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP)